The Riley Nipper
The Riley Nipper
Primarily a drawing tool, The “Riley Nipper” is a unique new pen designed by the artist, Harold Riley, available exclusively from the Riley Archive.
The Riley Nipper is a shake pen – with a simple flick of the wrist the tip appears, just shake it again to retract. There is also a handy stylus for use on touch screens on phones or tablets.
Fitting comfortably in your hand, the simple, compact design means the Riley Nipper also slips easily into a pocket and can rapidly be used by the artist to catch any situation.
The drawing media is a substance that allows light and dark impressions of great variety and any kind of spirit can be used as a solvent.
The artist Harold Riley heartily recommends the Nipper describing it as the finest drawing implement he has ever used and saying he would never be without one.
There are two versions of the Riley Nipper currently available:
An elegantly boxed, limited edition Riley Nipper at £35
Riley Nipper in a Custom Pouch £30